Examination policy are the rules and regulation we’ve put in place to ensure fairness and integrity.
These includes:
All examination dates, time and venue are set by the School. Changes to the date, time and venue to accommodate individual’s requests will not be entertained, unless otherwise approved by the School on a case-by-case basis. Candidates are allowed to enter the examination hall 10 minutes before the examination is due to commence. Students should find their name and seat number on the examination list and proceed to the assigned seat. If no list if provided, free seating is allowed. Students should observe silence inside the examination venue and raise their hand if they need to speak to an invigilator.
Admission is not allowed after the first 15 minutes. There will be no provision made for students who miss the examination or re-sit the examination, unless the student is eligible for an exam on grounds of special consideration. Candidates are not allowed to enter the examination hall 15 minutes after the start of examination. They are also not allowed to leave the examination hall for the first 15 minutes and last 10 minutes of the examination. No candidate may leave the examination hall without the permission of the invigilator, who will arrange for an escort. Any candidate who leaves the examination hall without the permission from the invigilator will not be allowed to return to the examination hall. No extra time is given to students who are late, regardless of the reason.
All bags and notes are to be placed at the rear side of the examination hall. Candidates are to switch off all their electronic devices (e.g. mobile phones) and place them in their bags. If students are found to possess unauthorised materials during the examination, it will be deemed as a dishonest act and they will be subjected to severe disciplinary action. A fail grade will be awarded and student are required to re-module the entire module, re-module fee of $1000 (before GST) is applicable. Candidates who are caught cheating or attempting to cheat during the examination will not be allowed to continue with the examination. A fail grade will be awarded to the candidate automatically.
Materials permitted to use during the examination will be specified on the examination timetable and on the cover of the examination paper. Calculators are allowed in an examination only if specified as permitted material. Students are to clear the memories of programmable calculators and remove them from calculator cases before taking them into the examination room. All other electronic devices such as mobile phones, laptops, MP3 players, handheld computers or dictionaries are not permitted in the examination room unless otherwise specified. Students are permitted to take pens, pencils and erasers into the examination room. Pencil cases must be placed underneath the desk. There is no lending or sharing of equipment among students. Food and beverages are not to be taken in the examination venue except for items such as medication, glucose sweets and water.
The wearing of hats or other head gear is not allowed during examinations unless authorized. Students are not permitted to bring scrap paper into an examination. All rough workings are to be done on the blank sides in the script books provided. Students are not permitted to remove the exam papers, booklets, scrap paper, or other items unless authorized to do so. No dictionaries of any kind will be allowed into the examination hall, unless otherwise specified by the School.
All candidates must place their Student Card / NRIC / Passport on the top right-hand corner of the desk for the Invigilator to check when he/she marks the attendance. Students without the required identification will not be allowed to sit for the examination.
Students who are absent from an examination must produce an official document (e.g. medical letter from a general practitioner or letter from employer) within 2 working days from the date of the examination. Students will be allowed to take the supplementary examination as their Deferred Examination. There will not be any Supplementary Examination for students who failed their Deferred Examination.
Students who are absent from an examination and who are unable to produce an official document will be deemed to have sat for and failed the examination.
Students who are unable to sit for a particular examination on the scheduled date are required to submit the relevant document(s) to the School prior to the examination. Approval for a deferred examination will be granted at the sole discretion of the School.
For UK Degree and UK Masters programme, Students who have obtained a failing grade of below 50 marks out of 100 are allowed to sit for the Supplementary Examination with a fee of S$500 (before GST) is applicable. However, the penalty for resitting the assessment of a failed module is capped at 40% Pass (Degree) and 50% Pass (MBA) for the module.
For in-house Diplomas, students who have obtained a marginal fail grade of 45-49 marks out of 100 are allowed to sit for the Supplementary Examination or resit the assignment with a fee of S$100 (before GST). Students with a grade of 44 and below will be required to re-module that entire unit.
An Academic Counselling session will be arranged for students who failed their module on their first attempt to assist underperforming students in their academic performance.
Results will be released within 3 months from last assessment submission date via learning portal.
Students who have already passed a module cannot be re-assessed or re-take that module in order to improve their module results.
Students cannot appeal simply because they feel they performed better. A student has the right to appeal against that decision of Aventis Examination Board on the following grounds:
- There existed circumstances that are affecting students’ performance
- There was a procedural irregularity or inadequacy in the conduct of the examination or assessment of assignment
- There exists evidence of prejudice or bias on the part of the examiners.
Students who wish to exercise the right of appeal must submit their application in writing within 5 working days from the date of release of their results to Student Service Office. The administrative fee for appeal application will be S$53.50 per unit. Please note that the application to appeal against results does not entitle the students to view or retain their examination scripts.
The entire appeal process will take about 4 weeks. Students will be notified on the outcome via email.
Student Services Office
Email : studentservices@aventisglobal.edu.sg
To ensure objectivity in the appeal process, the appeal will be administered by an independent Examination Board. The outcome of the appeal can be one of the following:
- The original grade awarded will remain; or
- A better grade will be awarded; or
- A worse grade will be awarded
The decision of the Examination Board shall be final and no further appeal will be entertained.
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